Course: Online Workshop on Nosodes, Sarcodes and...
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Bowel Nosodes Part 1


Bowel nosodes are Homoeopathic remedies prepared from human intestinal flora. These nosodes are to be thought of when well-indicated remedies fail to produce significant improvement. Nowadays, with widespread allergic manifestations and antibiotic overuse, Bowel nosodes have gained prominence in the treatment of chronic conditions. Some examples of Bowel nosodes analogous to polycrests are given below: • Morgan group: ‘Congestion’ is the keynote of Morgan group of remedies. Morgan Pure is similar to Sulphur in its presentation, with congestive pathology in the skin, joints, respiratory system, portal circulation etc. Morgan Gaertner is similar to Lycopodium in its manifestation and is indicated in skin and liver conditions along with renal calculi • Sycotic Co.: ‘Irritability’ is the keynote of this nosode. With a strong sycotic miasm in its background, it is specified in catarrh of mucus membranes of respiratory tract, genito-urinary tract, GIT etc. • Dysentery Co.: ‘Anticipatory anxiety’ is the keynote of this nosode. A remedy with action on the pylorus leading to spasm and retention of digestive contents. Arsenic alb., Argentum nitricum, Gelsemium are some of the polycrests analogous to this nosode